Help for individuals, or human service organizations- let us help you achieve your goals!
Running a human service business can be tough- keeping up with rules, reporting requirements, staff credentialing and other day to day issues can get in the way of what you got into this field to do- provide good effective clinical services. We can help you develop ways to streamline and track all of the information and data you need to stay on top of your practice and grow your business without growing your support staff.
It is also difficult to be a practicing clinician in the modern mental health world. Whether you are a BCBA or a non-behavioral clinician, it can be difficult to keep up with changes in the field. We can help you by providing specific support to give you the tools to help you solve the ‘case specific’ difficulties you face.
Consulting/Strategic counsel
Learn More about our Consulting services
Being in business is wonderful, but, at times, lonely. Getting advice from people who know what you are going through can be difficult- and expensive if the advice does not meet your needs. HSS professionals have over 30 years of experience in the human services and business world and have actually operated successful clinical and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) businesses. We have proven methods that can help you grow your business while maintaining the quality your clients demand.
BCBA/BCaBA\Clinical therapist supervision and development
Candidates for the Board Certification for Behavior Analysis (BCBA) need supervision from experienced professionals- and organizations need BCBA/BCaBAs! We can help you find and develop new staff who can meet your growth needs now and into the future. Our supervision service is lead by Gary Carone MS LLP LMSW BCBA, a 30 year Behavior Analyst and general Mental Health clinician who has worked with multiple populations in the behavioral health field. Practicum students who have received supervision from HSS have risen to management positions, PhD graduate programs and other successful career paths.
Are you ‘stuck’ on a specific case? We can help you solve the problems and put you and your client on a path towards the clinical outcomes they deserve
Why work with Human Services Solutions (HSS)? WE SOLVE PROBLEMS!
Human Services Solutions has been helping agencies and small businesses since 1992. We pride ourselves on the ability to solve business and management problems that are barriers to organizations and individuals reaching their goals.
WE UNDERSTAND THE HUMAN SERVICE/BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE WORLD. Our consultants have prospered in the human service world. We have learned that the human service/behavioral health is not just the typical business. We understand the regulations, the credentialing requirements, the funding challenges- we ‘get it’ because we live it every day!
WE HAVE EXPERIENCE SOLVING PROBLEMS THAT YOU FACE. We have been there- and we have developed methods to make life in the ‘human service world’ easier and less costly to manage. Whether the solution is a specially designed ‘digital tool’ , a concentrated marketing strategy or just a new work process, HSS consultants can make your headaches go away.
WE ARE PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL IN OUR WORK. We firmly believe in the Ethical codes that our professions dictate, and we never will make recommendations or design methods which are not in line with ethical or professional standards. We also insure that we are committed to insuring that Medicaid, Medicare and all other legal standards are adhered to in our work. We also believe in keeping our word, sticking to agreed upon deadlines, and working with our clients in a collaborative fashion. We want to relieve your stress, not be another source of stress!
Next Steps…
Click on the link below, and contact us. We can set up a no-obligation conversation about your needs and how we can help.