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Business Savy Systems and Tools

Here are some examples of systems and tools we have created:

Staff management tools for credentialing monitoring

Staff scheduling systems

Billing and payment tracking systems

Template based staff documentation  systems

Electronic policy and procedure manuals

‘Fill in the blank’ data tracking systems (that look like WORD forms, but are actually database systems)

General efficiency systems (to reduce costs)

We can also advise and assist you with other vendors (IT, accounting) to allow you to develop your own system within their environment.

Whatever your ‘headache’ is- let us give you a solution that is straightforward, cost effective and simple to manage.

Consultation/Strategic counsel

Most organizations cannot afford to hire executive management talent- even if you could recruit a highly trained and experienced professional, you probably could not afford his or her compensation expectations.

By using HSS consultation services, you can get the same level of expertise, but at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time executive.  Our consultants have conquered many challenges of developing and operating a human service/behavioral health organization and can use that experience to guide your management team in the right direction.

Consultation can be related to specific areas (strategic marketing and growth,  compliance and regulation management, new program development or enhancement) or, can be more general (executive coaching,  advice and counsel), but either way, you only get the help you need at the cost structure you can manage.

In the same way that knowledge can help a business succeed, a lack of specific knowledge can be a barrier to success.  What you don’t know can hurt your business- how much business are you losing by not knowing some of the essentials of today’s human service/behavioral health world?  Make an investment in your business now and watch your business and revenues grow!

BCBA/BCaBA/clinical therapist supervision and development

We know that you understand that the primary route to quality is having quality professionals working for you.  To insure that your BCBA/BCaBA staff are  the best that they can be, you need to have supervision that understands Applied Behavior Analysis and the pragmatic concerns about Customer Service and client care that does not get taught in school.

As any practicum supervisor knows, not all BCBA/BCaBA candidates are not created equal.  Educational experiences vary as do the ‘hands on’ experiences of the candidate.   Being able to have consistent, structured supervision experiences can help each BCBA/BCaBA candidate become the best practitioner and therefor the best representative of your organization.

One of the difficulties organizations have is that there are not enough BCBA/BCaBA candidates to go around. For many organizations, development programs are the best way to grow the number of staff necessary to meet business goals and contractual obligations.  To run the best development program possible, HSS supervisors will insure that the BCBA/BCaBA candidates complete their studies and experience  as confident competent professionals who are committed to staying with  your organization and your clients, not just moving on to the next position once they are able.   Using inexperienced supervisors wont meet this need!

Have a problem with a specific clinical case (ABA or General Mental health)  Ask us a question, and we will give you ideas as to how to solve your problem.  The first question is free- as is the first ‘follow up’ after our first response.  There is no obligation to go any farther than that. (additional charges after the ‘first question/follow up’ will be discussed and agreed to before any charges begin)

click on this direct link to ask a question via email and we will respond within 2 business days  [email protected]

Next Steps…

Contact us by clicking on the green button and set up a no-obligation conversation to determine the best way to meet your staffing needs.

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